
Product catalogSoil improvers

Marine algae contain a wide variety of nutrients and organic compounds that can improve the structure and capacity of the soil.

Soil improversVIT AMINO 25

Restructuring of the soil that increases your fertility and removed by washing the salt is not desired, which also decreases the osmotic pressure

Soil improversFULL 55

Causes the soil to a mineralization process that releases the nutrients and promote their biological activity.

Soil improversSINSAL

Restructuring the soil, increases soil fertility and salts unwanted and decreases the osmotic pressure.

Soil improversH26

Humic acid 100% american Leonardite.

Soil improversH15

Humic acid 100% american Leonardite.

Soil improversImprove the condition of chemical and physical well-being in relation to the growth of the plants

Marine algae contain a wide variety of nutrients and organic compounds that can improve the structure and the soil's capacity to retain water and nutrients, increase the biological activity and promote the growth of plants.

Our soil improvers are set as a sustainable alternative and natural to other chemical formulation and can help to reduce soil erosion and improve crop quality. In addition, algae are a source of renewable and abundant material for agriculture, which becomes a cost-effective and profitable for farmers.

Mejoradores de suelo
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