

Products SEMSHigh quality biofertilizers

In SEMS, we are dedicated to offer innovative and sustainable solutions for agriculture moderna, using extracts of seaweed and other natural ingredients friendly to the environment.

Our biofertilizers are products of high quality, designed to improve the health and yield of crops. We make use of biotechnology and advanced processes to ensure that our products are effective and safe for plants, people and the environment in which they live.

Productos - Biofertilizantes de calidad

ProductsTypes of fertilizers

In this catalogue you will find a wide variety of biostimulants and organic fertilizers based on algae, which are designed to meet the needs of each crop:


Products bio-stimulants formulated to base of marine algae contain a wide variety of nutrients and bioactive compounds.

Deficiency correctors

Our proofreaders are made the basis of marine algae contain a wide variety of nutrients and minerals essential for growth and development.

NPK Fertilizers

Our products NPK-based marine algae are fertilizers that contain nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), and composition of algae extracts.

Soil improvers

Marine algae contain a wide variety of nutrients and organic compounds that can improve the structure and capacity of the soil.

Hormonal products

Our products hormonal basis of algae belong to the category of biostimulants agricultural containing natural phytohormones.


The protective biological basis of marine algae contain bioactive compounds that may protect plants from dangers biotic.
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